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NFT Medals

This edition will mint the first Run with the BEAST NFT collection.

A limited set of NFTs will be minted, which act as medals for the challenge.

These NFTs will be very useful to get free beer on the events, access to special perks, proof of your pain and influence how RWTB changes in future editions.

NFTs earned with blood, sweat and respect. You can sell them, but you would be crazy to do so.

Participation NFTs

These NFTs will be minted representing your 🤘's score and position.

World Record Time Trial 6.66km NFT

This NFT will be unique as long as you hold the world record. When somebody breaks the world record next edition, a new record holder NFT will be awarded.

Podium NFTs for the 🤘 leaderboard

Satan, Beast and Hellhound NFTs for the top-3 in the leaderboard.

You can think of them like gold, silver and bronze in the olympics, but then for beasts.

Podium NFTs for the Time Trial 6.66km PR

SpeedSatan, SpeedBeast and SpeedHellHound NFTs for the top-3 PR times.

You can think of them like gold, silver and bronze in the olympics, but then for beasts.